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About the Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Scholarship programme



Yimeng CAI

Student of Shandong University, China
Exchange to The University of Adelaide, Australia

Living in a strange country gives people a completely different view. This view can inspire a new thinking pattern and cause collision of ideas. The experience in a foreign country will shape and enrich one's character. One year's experience in Australia is short, but I have gained precious value.

Brave life attitude

In Australia, I really want to put the foreign people's life attitude of taking a trip without delay and with the backpacker spirit without fear of obstacle. In this year, I travelled across Australia from the south to the north, starting with Adelaide where I live in and then going to the south, Tasmania with harbor and seafood. Then, I went to the north, Melbourne, which buildings are both classic and modern. I also arrived at the middle region, Uluru with the desert and aboriginal culture where I saw the sunrise and took camping. Then, I continued to go to the north, arriving in Sydney where I climbed Sydney Bridge and felt the prospect of metropolis; Gold Coast, Brisbane, which is a good place for holiday; Cairns, Great Barrier Reef offer guests outstanding opportunities for diving and water sports. In the travel, sometimes I was with my friends, and sometimes I travel individually. On the way, it is frequent to meeting travelers all over the world, and then these people will go to travel together according to the route. I think these are the treasure in life. With this kind of experience, I dare to say I really feel Australian spirit of freedom and braveness. By taking part in their life and travel, I can say that I have integrated in this group.

Precious transnational friendship

In this year, I made many friends in Australia, and in the Orientation, I knew a Thai girl who has become my best friend in Australia and "BFF"(best friend forever).

We met each other in the café in freshmen activity, and then follow each other on Facebook and Line to chat freely. I found our interests and habits are so similar.

In the light of culture, she makes me feel the Thai culture, with that religions belief and the national happiness. Now, I am also a religious person and will go to Thailand once a year.

In activity, she brought me to attend Water-Splashing Festival of New Year. I determined the gesture and etiquette again and again, learned Thai language to greet the Thai friends, deeply feeling the warm and kindness of Thai people. She would cook in person to make me love Thai food.

Though the academic grade is important, the absorption of the foreign culture is also an essential factor for successful studying abroad. I think the greatest benefit of studying abroad is the change of culture at every step. I am quite grateful to have such kind of experience to learn different lifestyle and to meet good friends.



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