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About the Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Scholarship programme



Joanna ALLAN

Student of Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Exchange to Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

The thought of summing up my time in Hong Kong in just a few short paragraphs seems like a daunting task. It¡¦s hard to even process in my head how amazing my time was there, let alone write it onto paper, but here goes.

From the second day in Hong Kong, it felt like home. I felt envious of everyone who lived in Hong Kong and then I realized that I too, now lived in this beautiful and enchanting city.

Hong Kong was my first long experience away from Australia. I had been waiting so long for this adventure and now that it had come around I wasn¡¦t sure if my expectations would live up to reality. However, I can now tell you that reality definitely surpassed my expectations.

I enjoyed learning about other cultures, making new international friends and enjoyed a new cuisine in Hong Kong. However, one of my favourite things to do was being able to share some Australian culture with the other students. Sharing my favourite Australian icon, Vegemite (For those who are unaware, Vegemite is an Australian spread for toast, an acquired taste some may say). Watching my friends taste this has been both hilarious and heartbreaking. My friends all unfortunately do not share the same love with Vegemite as me but the looks of horror when they taste it has definitely been humorous and worth the heartbreak.

From Ozone bar to Disneyland to One Dim Sum to my new netball team I really felt like I made the most of every day and enjoyed so many memories that will stay with me forever.

I did wonder when deciding to apply for exchange whether I was making the right decision. I questioned if picking up and leaving my family, friends and life behind in Melbourne would be a good choice.

After this experience I¡¦m glad I made the leap of faith to step outside my comfort zone and live and study in Hong Kong. I¡¦m so glad I took advantage of this program because I learnt more about myself in the five months I spent in Hong Kong than I have in my entire 20-year lifetime.

Without the Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Awards, exchange would not have been possible. I am truly thankful that this award has allowed me to immerse myself in a different culture, different life, and an experience that will surely benefit me for the rest of my life.



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